Juno reaches Jupiter by July 4

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It scheduled to probe NASA named Juno reaches Jupiter by July 4 next, so as to start the study lasts for two years on the gas giant is very complex.

Journey to Jupiter
It will arrive on the Fourth of July to Jupiter spacecraft Juno that are up to the size of a basketball court, up to the size of a basketball court, to complete its journey across the solar system, amounting to almost 600 kilometers.

With the approach of Juno from the harsh radiation environment of the buyer, it will be the key drivers to slow down the operation of the vehicle, and access to an orbit around the planet.
   When Juno reach the environment (the harsh radiation of the buyer).
Juno hopes to succeed in approaching Jupiter
In an attempt to learn more about the origins of the planet, indicated formulation, its atmosphere, and magnetosphere.

Juno will face one of the harshest environments in the solar system where there is a mix of metallic hydrogen with a quick rotation of Jupiter, where breeds field strong Amoatisa, which surrounds the planet electrons and protons and ions traveling at nearly the speed of light, and this makes them the radiation environment is very harsh, and deadly for any spacecraft Almost.

that's why Juno has been designed to be armored Calversan, where DDS mission trip computer and electronics inside the crypt of titanium and weigh up to 180 kg, also has electric wires acts as a shield and a special tonic to radiation.

Juno solar powered with three huge panels to pick up more of the sun's rays as possible during the mission, and the length of the wings 9 meters and display 3 meters.

Giant Questions

Although the planet largest in the solar system, Jupiter, but we do not know much about him, and hopefully that will help us Juno learn more about the essence, and answer questions like: How many contain water and oxygen, and how it works magnetic field, as will be verified polar where Twilight who is most intense the buyer. 

After Juno mission ends in 2018, it will sink into the Jupiter and burn, where scientists plan to this end, to avoid the likelihood of a collision with Bioroba, a moon of the planet Jupiter water.